Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I have been on eBay off an on between yesterday and today bidding on a few items for Reece and looking for bedding for the Master Bedroom. I have always loved looking at all the items but try and stay away from bidding because I get caught up in the moment and do not know when to stop because I feel like I have to win. I guess that is the competitiveness coming out in me. Well here are my results. I bid on a couple different Pottery Barn Duvets and lost, but that was ok because it was not what I really wanted anyways they were just good prices. Then my sister in law sent me an email this morning saying Reece needs this Lilly Pulitzer outfit.
As of right now I am winning but there is still 2 hours and 45 mins to go so we shall see!!!! After I bid on this item I found the most perfect Lilly Seersucker Dress and I knew Reece just had to have it so watched it all day and it came down to the last 2 minuets and I got this beauty.

Reece will be so cute running around in this dress all summer long because for what I paid for it she will be wearing it out. Kidding, Kidding.....I need to resale it so it must stay in good shape. Now that I think about it I really should sell all her clothes on eBay she has more clothes than I think I have had my entire adult life.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My little girl

My little girl will be turning 3 in only 4 weeks and WOW has those 3 years gone by so fast. Each year I have a picture taken around her birthday and this year will be no different. My wonderful sister in law will be taking her picture along with a family photo. So now I have to start looking for what she will wear. In the past I have gotten her a dress that she can wear for the picture and Easter Sunday. Here a few options I have so far.

Ralph Lauren Sun Dress

Children's PlaceGymboree Dress and I would put a pink cardigan with this dress

Or my other option is to go find some material and have my friend Maggi (who's blog is greenmagsterpie) make her a sun dress and monogram her initials on the front.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Why I love my husband

This Saturday is Valentine's Day so I thought I was write the top 3 reasons why I love my husband.

1. He is a wonderful provider for our family, he is willing to work as much as he needs to, to make sure Reece and I have everything we need (and what we want, hehe)
2. He is a loving person and just a big teddy bear
3. He is the most amazing father (just look at this picture and that will tell you everything)

Him and Reece were having a tea party on Ross and Sharon's back porch. How cute is that!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Early Spring

This past weekend in Atlanta was beautiful. I do not think you could have asked for more perfect weather so we spent the whole weekend outside. Saturday Reece had a birthday party to attend and of course it was outside since the temperature was almost 70 degrees. Sunday we had a picnic in the field and then dinner with friends and family and sat by the outdoor fireplace. I have to say that I forgot my camera at home the entire weekend but I will get better at always having it with me now.

This week we are getting ready for our dear friends Dan and Kath to come in town from New Jersey. We are very excited to see them since it has been over a year since we were last able to get together. We have lots planned so I will make sure to take pictures, but since I do not have a picture from the weekend I am going to do something I saw on another blog that I follow and challenge anyone ready this to do. Take the 6th picture from the 6th folder and post it.

This is my sister-in-law trying to break open the pinata at a fiesta party in her and my brothers honor.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Dinner with friends

Last night I met a friend of mine at The Dinner A'fare. This is a place where you premake dinners and then take them home to freeze. I was not to sure about this at first but it was alot of fun and now I have 12 dinners in my freezer just waiting to be cooked. Just a few examples of thing I made: Pink Peppercorn Buttered Flank Steak, Citrus Crusted Tuna Steak, Pork Chops with Red Beans and Rice, Fice Spice Chicken with Cilantro Cream Sauce. I could go on and on on the things I made.

After we were done there we met our husbands and Reece at Bella's Pizzeria. Reece entertained all of us throughout dinner even the staff at the resturant. She quickly became the center of attention for everyone who worked there. Once she was done eating she started having a conversation about pets with our waitress. the waitress asked Reece if she had a dog and she said no I have a cat named Pepper but my Shonnie (Sharon) has doggies named John, Ruby and PJ and my Tandy (Candace) has Lola. It just amazes me that she can have this full conversation with and adult. Well at this point she had just melted the hearts of the staff and they let her get ice cream and then they gave her a t-shirt and then she even started folding boxes with them.

My crazy little girl!!!!

Letter "R"

I have been tagged in the letter game and I was give the letter "R". I wonder why someone would give me that letter. So now I have to write 10 things I love that start with the letter "R".

1. Reece - my beautiful 2 year old daughter that I can not get enough of.

2. Red Roses - What girl does not like getting Red Roses or any flower for that matter.

3. Red Wine - I have always loved wine but have been a white wine drinker until I met the Keating Family and now I love Red Wine.

4. Reading - I love to read but with a 2 year old I do not get to it as much as I would like.

5. Radio - Listening to radio while driving and sing at the top of my lungs (only if I am alone or with Jamie in a convertible)

6. Rain - The sound of rain is so soothing that it relaxes me. I love thunderstorms even more because I am so fascinated by the weather. I should have been a meteorologist.

7. Redeemer - My Lord and Savior that I know I will see one day in heaven.

8. Rainbows - They are so pretty but the meaning behind them is what I really love. Every time I see a rainbow it reminds me that Jesus is coming back one day and I think it is sooner than later.

9. Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer - The reason I like Rudolph so much is because Reece loves him and I love to see her face every time she watches that movie.

10. RPM - This is spin class at the gym that I love taking because afterwards I know I just had a great workout, but I also hate it because during the class I feel like I am going to die and my ass kills me afterwards from the seat.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I have the most amazing and adorable little girl that makes me laugh everyday. There is not a day that goes by that she does not come home from school and tell me something new she has learned (thanks Sharon). But I was looking through pictures and found this one from my brother's wedding and it still cracks me up.

She is not even 3 years old yet and already a ladies man!